It was wonderful to be able to get so much out of Sacrament Meeting today. (Last week I went to see Sasha in her first Primary/Mother's Day program, unfortunately I didn't really get much out of the talks - thanks pain meds.) As the High Councilman spoke today he related an experience from his youth of learning to play basketball. His brother in helping train him required him to wear a weight vest with 32 lbs of lead sewn into the pockets, as well as some ankle weights with 16 lbs of lead in each one. This visual of wearing a weight vest which he related to our challenges through life, especially those that really make no sense at the time. These eventually allow us to reach heights that we never thought possible for ourselves really hit home for me. He was relating it to many types of challenges, and addressed callings specifically, though for me I was thinking of it more in relation to my current period of surgery and recovery.
I don't remember ever wondering "why me" when it comes to my birth defect, it has always been part of my life, while it has presented it's challenges I have tried through my parents and others encouragement not to let it stop me. Now as I am going through my recovery from this surgery it makes more sense. In a physical way, while many may deal with long term issues from procedures similar to mine it appears that (through a blessing from the Lord) my body has developed other ways of dealing with drainage to keep my arm from developing excessive swelling. My therapist thinks that because of the compromise that I have always had my body knows how to deal with the lymph vessels and nodes that are now absent from my right axillary region.
Another thing that really struck me today was a passage of scripture that was printed on the front of our program
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy
laden, and I will give you rest." Matt. 11:28
When I have read this passage in the past I think I have always thought of physical burdens, or burdens that others may carry, but not in a way that it really applied to me. So for today I need to thank our two wonderful children for being well behaved through the Sacrament, and for Brit holding onto them (so they wouldn't bump my arm as well). I was able to really feel the spirit touch me today as I thought about this and the atonement of Jesus Christ. I realized that all of the burdens that I "labour" under are things that my Savior has taken on himself, and if I will just allow him to he will help me. I am so thankful for the insight that I was able to gain today. Now I need to find ways to increase my faith and reliance on him that I am able to take him up on his promise. I am so thankful for these Sabbath days of rest that my spirit may be renewed.
I just wanted to write down a couple of my thoughts of gratitude and appreciation for unexpected blessings in my life. I am so thankful for so many who have been so helpful to my family and I while I am recovering. Thank you so much!