Sorry that I haven't posted in a while, I was worried that I might spoil the surprise. So now that we are here... HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDPA ANDERSEN... here are some pictures of our adventures.
Even with all of the new regulations with flying Sasha still got to "fly" the plane... after we landed. One of the pilots let her sit in his seat. We got to pre-board because of her allergies, so we were able to talk with one of the stewardesses through the flight and she asked the pilots if Sasha could see the cockpit. She loved it!!!
Dad was supposed to be home shortly after we arrived, but he figured that since Mom wouldn't be home until 6 that he would stay at the gym and work out. We thought that we had everything put away so that it would be a great surprise (we had managed not to spoil it since we had started planning). He walked into the bedroom and saw the car seats, he didn't think to much of it(since we had left one last time, but wasn't sure why there would be two). We had gone outside and gone around the house when he came home, sat the kids down, rang the bell and waited for Grandpa to answer... he still was surprised!!!
Thanks Ann and Great Grandma for this apron, Sasha was going to help Grandma and I cook dinner, but decided instead to go "owsi" (outside) and help Grandpa with the sprinklers.
While Mom and I were cooking Braden was playing with the step stool, we looked over to see him standing there, so proud of himself. He pulled himself up onto his feet, we scrambled to get a couple of pictures before he sat back down.
With Braden's tongue tie he is struggling to eat solids, so it was recommended by a lactation nurse to try a straw (we have since gone to a medicine dropper for safety) to help him with his gag. He still doesn't care too much for it, but a little a day, we will get there eventually. Thanks JJ for being his straight jacket and highchair.
Oh my goodness, they have grown so much! Wish it was more feasible for us to come up and say hi. I now it's only 2 hours, but with gas prices...ouch...and we were just there Sunday.
Hope you have a blast while your on vacation, and I wish Brit the best of luck (not that he needs it) with finals.
Love ya tons!
I love the look on your dad's face. Priceless. That is so much fun that you were able to come & see your family. I wish we could be there to hang out. Someday we have to schedule a girls weekend and just plan it. =)
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