Here is a glimpse of why we got started down the road of life at the allergist's office, and all of the joys that have accompanied allergies. While there are challenges we are very blessed that it has never been too serious, and that she really has been a very healthy little girl.
Now that Sasha had her second birthday it was time to head on over to the allergist again. It was like a second home, or so it seemed, last year. The poor girl was in and out of the office getting poked over and over so that we could find out what was causing all of the trouble for her. I got her appointment scheduled, they sent us a lab slip, she had her blood work done over a month ago, so it would be available when we went in. It was a two month wait to get in to see Dr. Drain (whom we love by the way, it is worth waiting so we can see her) from when I called to schedule an appointment. When you go to the doctor most are only with you for a few min, Dr. Drain was in the room with us for nearly an hour today. She specialized in pediatrics and worked there for a few years and then did a specialty in asthma & allergies (whatever that is called), so she has been amazing with Sasha.
And the results are:
- Avocado now officially an allergy... we knew that from her reaction, now it is in her chart, so it is still off limits.
- Berries - not an allergy now... we are so happy that she can have these again, in small/reasonable quantities
- Dairy - no longer an allergy (the Doctor cheered, so did we)
- Egg - both the Doctor and parents think this is a false positive, she has never had a reaction, but good luck getting her to eat any, even smothered in her beloved ketchup
- Peanut - blood work showed no allergy, but the skin test showed a slight reaction still, so we are avoiding this one for another year.
We are so happy that she is outgrowing her allergies, and hoping that Braden doesn't have any. Though if he does we hope they are the same ones.
WOOHOO! What a big sigh of relief, that is so awesome!
Did I read that right? No more dairy allergy?!!! Awesome!!!! What a HUGE relief. Hope everything else is going okay for you guys. We miss you tons.
That has got to make things a little easier. So that is great news. Hopefully your little guy can slide by without any. =)
O my goodness you guys....You have the most adorable little family ever!!!
Yeah!! I'm so excited for you guys and that she is doing better!! Yeah for dairy!!
Hi! Geysa saw a picture that reminded her of you, so she Googled your names and found your blog. It's great to see that your family is growing so well. We have our blog over at
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