Spring time weather is finally here! Yesterday we had our first day above 70 degrees since early October. So the kids got to go outside and ride their little trike. They were taking turns on the trike, Sasha riding it and Braden sitting on it because his legs are too short to reach the pedals. Then we turn around to see that Braden had figured out how to hang on the back while Sasha drove. He is so daring - loves to climb on everything fearlessly! Reminds me of someone else I know!
Your kids are so cute. Looking at Braden on the bike he looks just like Brit! So funny! We love good weather too!
Who would that someone else be? :)
Darling pic of the kids! Hooray for great weather :)
Your kids are so stinkin' cute! It's so nice to have the warm weather here again! I need your address so I can mail you your gift from me-my email is jday43@marykay.com.
What a cute picture! Here's to having great weather once again - hopefully it lasts a long, long time
I don't have a pattern. My grandma made one for my brother when he was a baby (he's now 26) and that's what my mom visually patterned it after. I wonder if you can get something at a fabric store. Sorry I'm not more help.
Hi guys, (this is Ryan), Here are the measurements of the sleeping bag. length: 38 in, circumference: 34 in. Our camera broke so we are tracking one down to take some pics. Let me know if you need any other measurements.
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