This is an old picture from Christmas time with Sasha and her Great Granddad Edwards (Brit's mom's dad). She didn't know what to think of the old guy at first but

This next picture is a little more recent (January). This is when we found out that Sasha doesn't handle yogurt very well. The poor thing broke out in hives all over her body. Fortunately, they didn't seem to bother her much as she was still a fairly happy baby that night, as
This is Sasha's "Little People" farm that she got for Christmas. This is what came out of the box before we put her in the box to take pictures. It makes all sorts of animal sounds and she loves it!
If you think this next picture looks like she is walking, well, you are right! She hasn't taken steps yet on her own but as long as she can hold onto something, she can walk for days. She pushes her high chair (currently a low chair) all around the front room and just sort of giggles the entire time. It is so cute! She is so much fun! She is becoming more and more rambunctious (maybe it's becuase daddy likes to
What can I say...we love having her around!
~Brit, Hilary, & Sasha