Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ok, ok, I know it has been almost two whole weeks since our last contact with this blog. My only excuse is that School has been pretty crazy lately (and I'm not talking about frat parties). I have been absolutely swamped with homework and papers and job searching and intramural basketball (losing I might add - yeah, we're 0-4 [we thought that we could handle the C-league, you know with A-league being the best teams. Maybe next year we'll have to drop down to the bottom, the D-league and then maybe we could win a game...I guess there is a reason I wrestled during basketball season]). That and we simply don't get on the internet much at home and the school network will not allow me to upload pictures onto the blog because of some filter crap or something. I don't know. At any rate, here we are...and here are a few more pictures of the cutest little "Squash" in the world. Thaaaaat's right. We call her Squash.

This is an old picture from Christmas time with Sasha and her Great Granddad Edwards (Brit's mom's dad). She didn't know what to think of the old guy at first but she quickly warmed up to him, as you can see.

This next picture is a little more recent (January). This is when we found out that Sasha doesn't handle yogurt very well. The poor thing broke out in hives all over her body. Fortunately, they didn't seem to bother her much as she was still a fairly happy baby that night, as she usually is.

This is Sasha's "Little People" farm that she got for Christmas. This is what came out of the box before we put her in the box to take pictures. It makes all sorts of animal sounds and she loves it!

If you think this next picture looks like she is walking, well, you are right! She hasn't taken steps yet on her own but as long as she can hold onto something, she can walk for days. She pushes her high chair (currently a low chair) all around the front room and just sort of giggles the entire time. It is so cute! She is so much fun! She is becoming more and more rambunctious (maybe it's becuase daddy likes to rough-house with her ... I dunno). She now has 6 teeth; another one came in on top.

What can I say...we love having her around!

~Brit, Hilary, & Sasha

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Latest News!

It's amazing! We actually have had above freezing temperatures that last few days! And everyday this week it is supposed to be above 40 degrees! Look out! It is definately global warming just like those scientists are saying. What are we going to do? I guess it's time to pull out the shorts and short sleeves because we won't need those parkas anymore! Yeah!

Anyway, back to reality...things are good up here in the great city of Spokane, WA.
In sports: Brit's intramural basketball team is hoping to get their first "W" tomorrow. Currently, they are 0-2. It's not looking so good for the old men lawschool students (who spend their days sitting down in the library 10 hrs a day) going up against all those in-shape undergraduates (who also play soccer and run around way too much!). Hopefully, we can make a shot this week.

Infant news: Sasha got another tooth on the top. That's number 5 in total, 3rd one on top. Lately she has been letting go of whatever she might be holding onto to while standing and then she'll just stand there for awhile. Her balance is improving so much. We think she'll be taking steps within the month.
Quick update: Hilary has been feeling better from her bug, whatever it was. Brit is still plugging away at school. Sasha is loving to crawl everywhere, and loving to pull all the books off the shelf. She is becoming more and more active and energetic each day as well. She just can't sit still (especially at church!). She loves it when you lay on the ground so she can climb over you and then back again. That is so much fun for her.
In other news: we have a ward activity coming up that is going to be the bomb! Only because we are helping to put it together! It is going to be a ward fair, with games and prizes and more! You all are invited, although, I don't expect to see any of you guys there (it'd be a very long drive for a 2hr activity where you knew three people - and one of those three can't even talk yet!)
Well, our time is up... This is Brit, Hilary, and Sasha reporting to you LIVE from Spokane, WA. Back to you, Bob.