Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Cute things kids say.

The kids are more and more talkative each day and the things they come up with are so funny and cute. Sasha was telling us about how the other day we went to the "fraggit" store (fabric store). And yesterday, she was telling Hilary about the big mosquito eaters that we have buzzing around the house. Sasha told Hilary that they eat bees and spiders and that we better let it out of the house (it had gotten in through the door) so that it could eat the bees and spiders and then we wouldn't get stung or bitten. Hilary tried to explain that they eat mosquitoes but she was determined that it ate bees and spiders.

Braden is starting to put two and three words together to form his own little sentences. Sometimes its hard to understand him. I just figured out on Monday that "way-seh" means 'wait-a-sec'. That one took me a while to finally get. It is so much fun to watch them grow and develop. They are so smart! And their favorite books to read are the ones with any pictures of Jesus. They get so absolutely excited about it!

Now we just have to get Braden to stop biting his big sister and also Sasha to stop sending him those loving, sibling invitation of bites. But I guess that will be a lifelong process.