May 29th: Finals are now over and have been for a couple of weeks. Brit took a week off because he was sick (we think it was the "after-finals-meltdown") and then went right back to school to start studying for the Patent Bar. This summer is the goal to pass that exam. Our camera stopped working so we had to send it in to the manufacturer (it's still under warranty). That means we are without a camera right now. But we do have some pictures still that we can post. And as a matter of fact, we just went and had Sasha's one year photos taken (even though she is now 13 months old) yesterday on Memorial Day. You guys are going to love the pictures!!!
Memorial Day weekend was nice. Brit went on the Fathers-and-sons campout. Bishop told all the men that they are all sons whether they have sons of their own or not and that all were invited to go. So Brit did. The weather was fantastic! Lots of fishing, hotdogs and smores! Some friends of ours just bought some property (13 acres) and we went there to have a campfire and to see the property. Talk about a dream!!! We were definately envious of their property. They hope to start building their house within the year.
Other than that, things are the same. Brit still doing school related stuff. Hilary still watching Sasha and carrying the little one (Oh Yeah, for those of you who don't know ... we are having a boy in September!) I just realized that the last post was quite a while ago. Sorry about that. We'll try to keep up on it more. Sasha is getting faster and faster everyday. She likes to walk everywhere and is starting to try and climb on things. She keeps trying to get up on the couch or anything else she can see over. She is so much fun!!
I really don't know where this last one was taken...I was taking a test at the time but I sure thought it was cute!
We love you guys and miss you all.
Until next time ...