We would like to introduce the newest member of our family. We have always wanted to have our family grow this way, then we started discovering all of the troubles that Sasha was dealing with and didn't think it would ever happen for us. Shortly after we moved here for school we fell in love and knew what we wanted, due to living conditions at the time it wasn't an option. About seven weeks ago Brit cam home from class and told me that one of his classmates introduced him to her new best friend (who was hiding in her purse), and he decided that was what he wanted. Still I didn't really take it to seriously because we didn't know if it would be ok for Sasha, and I won't keep her medicated just so we can have a four legged family member. For some reason I decided to start looking around to see if I could find a breeder that had a King Charles Spaniel that we could introduce Sasha to and see if she would be ok. Through the course of the afternoon I ended up calling an add on Craigs List about some rescue dogs, the woman I spoke to didn't have one that we were looking for, her friend Gena did (though her puppies wern't King Charles Spaniels they were hypoallergenic...Shimas - Shitzu/Malteeze), and she just happened to be sitting right there with her. Through our conversation I found out that she had a puppy available that she had only had back for one day. He had been adopted, but the family, due to health and other issues (of the family, not the puppy), had to give him back after only a couple of days. Because of the situation she gave us a discount on purchasing him. She told us that her pups are usually all spoken for by three weeks. I am so happy that he was a little older so that we were able to get to know his personality a little better, and really find out how Sasha would do with him. She had no reaction either time we got them togetherUnfortunately the kids and I were on our way out of town, Sasha was devastated to leave him at the breeders, she couldn't stop talking about him. We were able to pick him up on Monday, and he now has a name...

Yes he is tiny, 2 lbs 13 oz (as of this morning) he is 11 weeks 5 days old today. We love having him as part of our family. He is sleeping well, house training is going great. He is a smart puppy. Sasha is smothering him, he has hardly touched the ground since he has been here, she loves carrying him around. He and Braden had an equal fear of each other, they are getting along much better now. We are all getting along well, and loving being together. Thanks for picking us Miko.
Thank you Ann, he LOVES his toys (almost as much as the kids), and his collar looks great on him as well.