This was a new experience for me... my first themed birthday party.
Braden decided that he wanted dinosaurs to come and play. Here is a brief summary of his 3rd birthday party... or was it when he turned 4?
What Dino party would be complete without some "eggs" to hatch? With each egg the kids hatched open they discovered a little dinosaur surprise, I think this was one of the favorites of the day for all of the kids.
Then it was on to "Pin the tail on the dinosaur/T-Rex" They had a great time, some wanted the blind fold a couple didn't want it (we were ok with that) then there were those who found they could still see where they were going if they tipped their heads waaaay back. We have a giant mirror in the kids play room, so I had some fun drawing a dinosaur on the mirror the night before with some window crayons. Sasha and Braden love it so much I think it will be a bit longer before I will be allowed to wash it off.

Braden decided that he wanted popcorn at his party, I came to the conclusion that a popcorn erupting volcano could be a fun way to include this little request. I built the structure from old cereal boxes to fit around our popcorn popper (the night before, unfortunately it wasn't the hour long project that I thought it would be, hence a 5am bedtime - yikes), we had the kids each draw something dinosaurish on craft paper and taped them on the outside to create the volcano. They loved it! Really that is why we do this right? At least for me that is what makes some crazy hours worth it.
I read somewhere that a paper mache was simple to put together, I should have read more carefully that it typically takes two to three days. Here is our one day dinosaur egg. As you can see by the second picture it was a little too strong for these little ones. They each had three turns, and finally we got the string to tear through and then Brit dumped out the treasures.

I didn't know exactly what to do for a cake. I found tons of great ideas online for ways to make one in the shape of a dinosaur. I thought to myself I don't want to get "that" detailed, I'll just get some dinosaurs and put them on the top and keep it simple... then the other side of my brain kicked in and I had to create a whole scene (ie sleepless night and early morning). Braden was in love with it, as well as the other kids who couldn't keep their fingers off of it. The "lake" and top of the "volcano" are made from salt water taffy. If you ever want to do that butter your fingers first so you can work with it, it was really messy. Braden helped put the chocolate rocks on, he thought they were great. The trees are some sour strips cut for the leaves, attached with frosting to wafer cookies.
Braden loved all of his gifts and hasn't stopped playing with them. Thank you so much everyone!
Showing off his new outfit. Apparently we are going for the Urkle look here :)
His new shirt and "puppy" sweater. I think he might be planning on spending a bit of time upside down. He sure can get wiggly.
He was so excited to open anything blue, what could it be...
A "queen" ball - ie. Lightening McQueen
His now favorite blocks, they are the perfect size for those "hatched" dinosaurs, and really fun to play with.
Sorry it's blurry, but I actually caught his first basket, he and Sasha have been having a great time playing basket ball since.
He loves this ball, he Daddy and Sasha spent quite a bit of time outside yesterday playing soccer while I was napping.
And the favorite of the day...
His ZUM bike, unfortunately it is a little too big for him.
He so generously decided that it would be great if Sasha got to take a turn riding it.
Especially for now while he has decided that this trike is still more his size.
Braden you are such a great little brother and so willing to share. Happy 3rd birthday. He and Sasha have decided that he is 4 now since he had two birthdays this year (his real birthday, and his party). They really want to be in preschool together. They are best friends most of the time, and love being together. I love seeing them as they are getting along so well. We love you buddy!