Tuesday, June 19, 2007

No Camera!!

So, for the last couple of weeks we have been without a camera because it went on the fritz. We sent it in to the manufacturer because it is still under warranty. Hopefully, we'll get it back sometime this week. So, needless to say, we have no pictures to post unless you want to see old ones. We'll just keep this one short for today.

Sasha got her first burn the other day. We were at a friend's house for a BBQ. Brit went outside to check on the chicken and somehow the screen door got opened up again after he went through. He did not know that Sasha was on his tail like a shadow. There were two BBQs because we had quite a few people there and one of them was a little portable propane grill. Sasha learned very quickly not to drum on the lid of the grill. We would have a picture of her hand, but as I said before, we can't take a picture of it right now. It turned her palm red, but nothing more. Fortunately, she was quick about it and didn't touch it for very long, otherwise she might have had some nasty blisters. Other than that, it was a great BBQ.

Father's Day was nice. Got some cookies from church. Hilary cooked her first pot roast in the crockpot and it was delicious. I am still having leftovers for lunch. I think its going to last all week long! Brit is spending lots of time writing a paper so that he can hopefully get on to Gonzaga's Journal of International Law. We shall see. The paper is going very slowly. We are excited to come down to SLC next week for Emy's wedding (Hilary's sister) and to see all the family. We probably won't have time to see everyone we would like to. So, sorry to you if we miss you.

Sasha's got some more teeth coming in. Some molars on the top and a couple on the bottom are thinking of coming in. Long story short: it's been a few long days and nights. Thank goodness for children's Tylenol!!!!!!

In all honesty, that is about all that is happening in our lives right now. We'll be sure to post any cool stories that come about, but as for now, we are not that cool. (Or I just can't remember the stories).

Oh, one more: Sasha ran into the wall yesterday so she has a nice scar on her cheek. Hopefully it is gone before the wedding pictures next week. If not, too bad for Emy.

Here's a shout out to the Brewers for setting up the Sugarhouse Ward blog. Loved it!! Loved seeing everyone on the Luau video. We wish we could have been there. Miss you all.


West said...
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West said...

Glad all is well with the Glads. The website is down. I forgot the church didn't like that stuff.