A couple of weeks ago some friends of ours took us waterskiing to Porcupine Bay. It is about an hour northwest of Spokane. There were a total of about four boats on the entire lake on a friday afternoon. Three of the four women on board were pregnant (two of them VERY prego) so those two did not get in the water to ski. Brit went wakeboarding and also, for the first time ever, got up on a slalom ski!! (I hope that is how you spell it). It was a lot of fun. They kept telling me that I was riding the wakeboard like a slalom because for some reason I didn't like to bend my front leg. So I said, "what the heck! I'll give it a shot!" With a few instructions by our captain, I was up on the slalom ski on the first attempt. That was a lot of fun. However, I still like the wakeboard a little better because I like surfing the wake.
Don't mind the farmer tan!
Sasha was on the boat with us the whole time and she absolutely loved it! She couldn't get enough of watching people ski, watching the bald eagles and the golden eagles flying overhead, or having the wind blow in her face. It was so much fun to see how much she enjoyed it.
She is becoming a real fish. Hilary has taken her over to Ashley's place to swim several times. Sasha just can't get enough of it. (Sasha's farmer tan is from the lifejacket at the lake)