Monday, August 06, 2007


Well, we had to send our camera in to the manufacturer again because they left a smudge on the lense last time they fixed it for us. So, my point is that we do not have a camera right now. But, here are some recent pics anyways. Soon, I will get a profile pic of Hilary. She is as big as she was when she was ready to deliver Sasha and she still has over a month left. Just wait for it...I'll have it soon enough. School starts two weeks from today and I can't say that I am very excited for it to start. I bought some books today so that means that school is officially here. Booooooo! Oh, well. Only two more years, right? Right.
Whenever we go over to the twins' house, Sasha wants to hold one of the babies. We think she is really going to like having a little brother at home. Except for when Mommy is holding the baby, then Sasha also wants to be held.

This last one was on the fourth of July out in Cour d'Alene. Sasha just can't get enough of the water!

1 comment:

West said...

Guys. I cannot believe that she is big enough to hold a baby! man how time flies and kids grow. Hope all is well