Friday, September 21, 2007

It's a BOY!!!

Well, we already knew he was a boy, but here is finally here. And what a crazy week to do it in. Here is a quick rundown before I describe him in baby detail. Sasha was admitted to the Pediatrics wing of the hospital Monday night with a possible kidney infection. This is her in her hospital cage ... I mean crib, with her IV.

She is starting to do better. She spent two nights in the hospital. They are now ruling it a viral infection. Her only symptoms have been a spiking fever of 103. Other than that, she seems ok. She just had a chest x-ray yesterday and they are still trying to figure it out. So, we spent the night with Sasha in Pediatrics and Hilary started having contractions. At 6am, the nurses looked at Hilary and decided she needed to be wheeled down to the Labor and Delivery wing. Brit stayed with Sasha until at 8am he called Hilary and she said he had better get down there. At 9:05 am, a baby boy was born. Braden Andrew Glad, weighing in at 9 lbs. 3 oz and 22 in. long. Hilary had no anesthesia, no epideral, nothing. She is awesome!

Before the doctor decided that Sasha had a viral infection, she was able to come see her new little brother. Notice her IV tagging along.

Sasha was able to go home one day before Hilary was released. Everyone is home now and doing better. We had a lot of really good friends to take care of us and we thank you all and we thank everyone else for their prayers. Here is my favorite picture thus far of Braden ...


Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS Big Bro! He his absolutely adorable, but I'm sure I don't need to tell you that. I wish there weren't so many many miles between us, sure makes it hard to enjoy being an aunt.
Give hugs and kisses to the little ones for us. We all send our love, from The Thomas Tiny Ranch.

Anonymous said...

What an adorable fat face. And that grin! I can't wait until we can come up and see him in person! I hope Sasha gets better fast so she can be mommy's little helper. We send our love, prayers and huggs and Kisses!

katherine said...

congratulations! wow, what a week! i hope that all is well and gets feeling better soon!

Jenn said...

Congrats! Your darling little family is always busy. We miss you guys, you are so much fun! I hope we see you in Ut for Christmas or other. Congrats on the second delivery, your a tough little one!