With the weather warming up we are getting really excited about getting out to do a lot more bike riding. The kids have had this bug for quite a while, it is just taking me a bit longer to get very enthused about it. I have had the same bike for a long time, unfortunately it was hit by a car right before Brit proposed (a few hours before). For those who don't already know the story I will share it with you another time, though rest assured no one was injured. I haven't done much riding since then seeing as it has been in desperate need of a tune-up. Brit checked it over a few weeks ago and rode it around a little, decided that it would be safe for a little riding here and there, and we would get it tuned up in a couple of weeks so that we could do all of the riding that we are planning on this summer.
Our new recreational adventures begin:
We have been talking about getting a bike trailer for a while now, and came across one on Craigslist a few weeks ago. When we went to check on it we found it to be in excellent shape. It turned out that their son hated being in it, he would cry/throw a tantrum the whole time he was in it, so after 3 rides they decided to get rid of it (fabulous for us).
The youth in our ward had a yard sale, to help fund their camps for the summer, the day after we got the bike trailer. We decided that it would be a short, easy ride to try it out and see what the kids thought of it. We strapped them in and headed out, they LOVED it. Brit decided that it wasn't too bad hauling the trailer, and I found that my gears didn't like to shift anymore, and that I am in a lot worse shape than I thought. As well as the fact that riding was putting my right arm to sleep. Not a great sign. I apparently apply too much pressure on my shoulders, possibly pinching my already restricted brachialplexus... equaling... numbness for me. Not exactly something that makes me want to ride very often.
We realized that we were in need of some helmets for the kids, Brit (he has lost his somewhere in our moves), and he said that I should get a new one as well (since all the padding wasn't there any more). We found some great helmets, and the kids found bikes that they were loving. Unfortunately $160+/- just doesn't seem too reasonable at this age when they will be outgrowing them so quickly. I have started watching Craigslist for a reasonably priced bike for Sasha, and then Braden can "ride" the trike (seeing as his feet don't reach the pedals yet), he loves being on it. I was able to sit on a "lifestyle" bike, so that I could feel what a seat was like that I was looking at. It fit so nicely we decided that would be a great addition to the tune-up to make riding more comfortable.
A week later we loaded up my bike and headed down to the shop to get it fixed, make sure what size bike we should have Brit on, since it seems much too small for him (his bike was also on the bike rack that was hit, it was the only one that didn't get damaged. Fair enough right since his car got totaled?). As we were walking in a couple of bikes caught my eye. I asked the gentleman that was helping us about them, he unlocked them to let me ride them. The first one that I rode felt great! I had never ridden something like that. It was great, but there was no way that I was going to spend that much on a bike.
We talked with a couple of the employees there, they discounted the bike event more than it was selling for, and did a trade for the bike that we had brought in to be repaired. The question was is it worth it? Brit decide that he wanted to spoil me a little early with my anniversary present, I got to bring it home Monday!

(this isn't my bike, but close. I didn't feel like going outside to get a picture of it)
We headed right out on a bike ride, I'm still not in that great of condition, but I haven't felt that good in a long time. I am so excited to be out riding. If only the weather would cooperate, I actually want to get out and ride. That just doesn't sound like me, I'm so excited!
We are still trying to figure out what we are doing with Brit's bike, that is to come shortly. As well as for the kids. I was reading about this really cool "bike" for little kids, it is called a Skuut, check out their website. "The Skuut is a wooden bike for children ages 2 - 5. It has no pedals and no training wheels. Children kick off the ground as if running, thus pushing or "skuut-ing" themselves and the bike forward. The Skuut is perfect for learning balance, steering, coordination and independence. Having mastered balance on the Skuut, the transition to a traditional two wheeler bike is easy." I would love to get the kids one of these, but the price isn't what we are ready to spend right now. Then I came across this giveaway for one. I really hesitate in spreading this around, but it is a great thing, and lets be honest I wanted an extra entry.
I hope that everyone is having a wonderful spring, I hope that you are all able to find something that you really enjoy doing outside with your family this year. I think we have.