Some of the "milestones" in our lives:
Our Wedding Day
Happy Anniversary Babe!
It's been a great six years and a few days!

A brand new, proud, Papa

At his ME graduation from the UofU four days later with Trav, thanks for helping keep him sane.

A new adventure awaits as we began our time in Spokane.

Daddy and his little boy (as close as I could find to new-born), you are a Great Dad Brit!

With "hood", and diploma in hand...

We officially have our graduate (following grades officially coming out, congratulations on "cumlaud" (first time!) and "dean's list"
Our little family as we are starting on our next adventure (well really just enjoying our family for a few more days then on we go)
Today marks a HUGE milestone in our lives Brit has now made it through 8 1/2 years of college (5 1/2 undergrad, and 3 law), two very intense months of studying, and three long days of essay writing. Now we wait for the results (we don't get them until the mid to end of October). I know that he has done well. He has been very dedicated to his education, and studying, he always does his best at what he sets his mind to. I want to thank him for taking seriously the counsel that he has been given. "By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families." (this is an excerpt from "The Family: A Proclamation to the World", you can read it in its entirety here) I greatly appreciate all that you do for our family and I, for studying and working so hard to take care of us. Thank you for being supportive of me staying home with our children. Thank you for being such a great husband, and keeping your focus on the important things in life. I love you!
Brit began his college days before we were married, continued once we married, and Graduated 4 days after Sasha was born (that made for an interesting finals week). Then it was off to law school three months later (away from family). Intending to make it back home he applied for many internships, with none coming to fruition. So for plan "B", study and take the Patent Bar... he made the decision to "self-study" to prepare (it took a lot of discipline, something that is definitely a strength of his), he was successful, HOORAY! Fall brought more classes, studying, classes, studying, interviews, classes, studying, family, classes, studying... and a new baby (which caused some missed interviews). February came with some great surprises, several internship offers. After much thought, and prayer we made a decision as to which direction to go. It has been a great blessing in our lives. Brit loves working for the firm, with his bosses, and the other associates and employees. It has been a great learning experience for him. We received an offer prior to school starting for our third year of law school. We are so thankful that he has the position that he does, he is really looking forward to his continued learning and growth through the mentoring he will receive. Graduation was a wonderful week to spend with family (thank you so much for coming to spend time with us and your support through all of this). While we were grateful for graduating it felt a little anti-climatic knowing the BAR was looming a short time ahead. With that now completed I wanted to pay a little tribute to the many milestones we have had together.