Monday, November 19, 2007

First Boat Trip...This July

Well as I am trying to get this whole thing figured out I will be posting some old, and some new photos. I hope that you all enjoy.

Thanks to some great friends we had a chance to take our first boating trip as a family. I had to be content as a watcher by, and passenger. I tried but couldn't talk my doctor into letting me water ski at 30 weeks. Brit informed me that even if I had talked the doctor into it he wouldn't have let me. We had a great time, and Sasha loved it. She wasn't sure at first, but it didn't take her long to be having the time of her life. I did get to go swimming, the water was cold, and take pictures. What gorgeous water, it made it even harder to not go out. Surprisingly we were told that the water was not very good, you could have fooled me. We went to Porcupine Bay a little over an hour away, it turned out that we spent our time skiing on the Spokane River, a first for us. Hopefully we will have the chance again, and I hope that I can ski too.

1 comment:

Bradden, Sunny, Hyrum, and Olivia Cannon said...

Fun that you guys found us! So- we hope all is well! Fun to see your new baby (and great name by the way--- he is bound to be good looking with a name like that!) hope life is good. keep in touch.
Sunny (and Bradden too)