Kathryn thank you for this tag. It has been a lot of fun to think back to those times of "young love" thanks for the trip down memory lane.

How long have you been together? We met in high school, you looked great in that grass skirt Brit! We ran into each other again October 2002 at a friend's farewell. Our first date was November 23, 2002. July 22 will be...5 years, it's hard to believe it, it has gone so fast. 5 wonderful years! How long did you date? We dated for 4 months and were engaged for 4. So much for both of us thinking that we had wanted to date someone for at least a year before we got married. Oh well, it has worked out for us!
How old is he? 28, He's got me by three months and 6 days. Who eats more? He definatly did when we first got married, but now, especially while I'm breastfeeding I can keep up (sometimes). A little embaressing huh? Who said "I love you" first? I did! He said it back, he'd been trying to decide how he felt and apparently that nugged him over the edge.
Who is taller? Brit, by 11 1/4 inches he is 5' 11" I'm 4' 11 3/4" Who sings better? In my opinion Brit, though we both love singing, and love participating in our ward choir. I prefer choir's, Brit doesn't mind smaller groups.
Who is smarter? Which subject are you talking about. I can do math faster in my head because Brit needs a calculator, but I can't even attempt to do some of the higher level math that he can do. If it is medical, or household it might be me, if it is most anything else it's Brit! Sasha seems to have his engineering mind as well. Who does the laundry? That would be me, Brit is a white (or almost white) and everything else kind of guy. He is great to help with the folding when I ask, and even puts some of it away.
Who does the dishes? Supposedly whoever didn't cook, but we both work on them. Though neither of us likes doing dishes, I guess that is part of growing up? Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? It changes, I sleep on the side that makes it easier for me to get up frequently through the night. Braden will sleep more than 2 hour stretches some day, we are hoping.
Who pays the bills? Brit takes care of any that get paid online, I get anything that comes in the mail. Who mows the lawn? Oh how grateful Brit is that we don't have a lawn right now. He will have that fabulous job when we are lucky enough to have a yard. (His dream is to do it with a riding mower)

Who cooks dinner? If it is Mac n' Cheese, cereal... it's Brit (he is actually doing much better with his cooking skills), and he is great on the grill; he can hardly wait for a "nice" grill. 99% of the time I'm the one cooking, and I am actually enjoying it a little now. It has been quite the learning experience...a Glad appetite vs. an Andersen appetite, anything goes vs. "What can we feed Sasha?" Who is more stubborn? We both have our stubborn streaks, but seem to compramise fairly well (if it's my way - j/k)

Who kissed who first? I waited for him to make the move, but it was definatly a mutual thing. Who asked who out? Brit asked me out through an e-mail, "I have two questions for you: 1. What is your number 2. Do you want to go out this Saturday?" Oh how I was regreting accepting that blind date. Oh well. So I had to turn him down, luckly for me there was a big dance coming up that I needed a date for, so with a bit of a fib I told him that there was a group of us that were going and I was wondering if he would like to come (I found a group later). It turned out to be a good thing that I had an alternate date to suggest, he told me later that he just really wasn't ready to be dating (he had just ended a long relationship), but needed a date for a PHI date night and thought that it might be fun to go together. Our first date was one of the best dates that I have ever been on. The rest is history.
Who proposed? Brit!!! There isn't enought space to tell the whole story here, so here is the very condenced version...He took me to Moab, his car got totalled, we hiked to Delicate Arch, we were talking, I answered "YES!!!!" before he could finish "popping the question", he gave me the one-of-a-kind ring that he had designed. It was a complete surprise, I had always wanted that. Thanks sweetheart. Who is more sensitive? Me, I cry over the most rediculous things, thanks for letting me soak your shirts Brit.

Who has more friends? Brit probably, but we are fairly close on that one. Who has more siblings? Brit has one sister and one brother, I was raised with two sisters and... if pets count as siblings I win hands down. Actually if memory serves us correctly I have him by 3 (pets that we had at least 2 weeks, and I didn't get to count my fish (there were two that he let me count...a hand fed one and one that liked to be petted) : ) we loved strays. Mom & Dad, apparently I brought home bigger "strays" - Brit liked the snakes, lizards, horney toads. Oh the joys of childhood and parenthood. Sorry about the yard and gardening supplies...
Who wears the pants in the relationship? The kids, j/k-only sometimes, our life has definately changed, we do things around their nap and bedtime schedules, so much for nights out for a while, oh well. Between Brit and I we both have a leg in the pants. Who are you tagging? Amy, Ashley, Jamie, Jen, Jess, Kim, Leslie, Lisa, Shaunell, Paige & anyone else that would like to think back to times of "young love"