Monday, November 17, 2008

Christmas time

Yeah, we know, Thanksgiving isn't even here yet but we decided that since we are going down to Utah for Christmas, we would enjoy a little decoration around our house while we are here. So, we decided to set up our new Christmas tree (Hilary resigned to getting a fake tree, so that we can have a tree here, since we will be spending most of the season away and wouldn't be able to keep a real tree alive. Also because we got it for $10). And as you can see from the following picture, we already found a present under the tree!

Who knew Santa would come so early! Sasha thought it would be fun to pretend to sleep under the tree. I think this year is going to be so much more fun for us with her being at such a fun age. Braden will have fun too, but he will be just as lost as Sasha was last year.

Can't wait to come see you guys in SLC!

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